waynerd: Funeral Lights www.waynestadlerphotography.com An Idle moment on the...

Idle Cellars Atlanta takeover

Last week we packed our bags and spent 5 days cruising around beautiful Atlanta with our wine distributor Southern Vines.  There’s really nothing quite like drinking wine for 5 whole days, hosting winemaker dinners and meeting new people, we love it!  We found...

Idle Cellars Atlanta takeover

Last week we packed our bags and spent 5 days cruising around beautiful Atlanta with our wine distributor Southern Vines.  There’s really nothing quite like drinking wine for 5 whole days, hosting winemaker dinners and meeting new people, we love it!  We found...

#FlightsandBites tomorrow evening @ #TheSoundTable, 7:30. We’re doing a delectable set of wine pairings with 3 Idle Cellars wines. Hope to see everyone there. @injex @SouthernVinesGA...

#FlightsandBites tomorrow evening @ #TheSoundTable, 7:30. We’re doing a delectable set of wine pairings with 3 Idle Cellars wines. Hope to see everyone there. @injex @SouthernVinesGA...

#idlemoment from last weekends #popup dinner @nakedkitchen. #petitsyrah...